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The Best Gift Ideas for a December Birthday 🎂🎉

2 min read

The Best Gift Ideas for a December Birthday 🎂🎉

For those poor people born in December, it can be a challenging time to try and fit a birthday celebration amongst the chaos that is the 'festive season'. Make your December birthday friend feel extra special this year with a well-thought-out gift. Here are our top picks, some from our thoughtfully curated gift store, The Inappropriate Gift Co, and a few funnies circulating the internet, we also have some suggestions from a Christmas day baby!

1. NON-CHRISTMAS WRAPPING - Don't be a lazy fuck, make sure their birthday gift is free of anything Christmas! If you want to buy them a Christmas gift as well, go right ahead, but under no circumstance should you combine the two events!


2. COMBINING BIRTHDAY CHRISTMAS GIFT - On this note, if the December birthday person is clever, they may wish to combine their birthday and Christmas gifts in the hopes of getting one massive gift, like a ticket to Europe or a bottle of fancy champagne. This is the exception to the above rule and because they have such a shit time for a birthday this is totally allowed.

What I want when I say combine my Birthday Christmas Gift

Now we have the gift rules sorted out, let's get into the best gift ideas for a December birthday.

3. TRAVEL MUG - With December being such a busy month, consumed with so many events that have you leaving your house every other day a travel mug is a perfect idea, if you feel like being a bit cheeky add some birthday spirit, like a bottle of Gin or Vodka to help get your friend through those dance recitals and exhaustive family Christmas lunches. 

A Big Cup of Fuckoffee

4. BOARD GAME - this is the perfect gift for a December birthday. This is a gift that will come in handy at this time of year and a great excuse for a day at home. Select one from our selection of hilarious and inappropriate board games. 

5. DAY SPA EXPERIENCE - December is such a busy time of year; a perfect birthday gift idea for someone also dealing with the stress of a birthday around Christmas is something to help them really enjoy the downtime.  Buy a Spa experience for them, or if your budget is tight ....treat them to a beer bath! 

 beer bath

6) A new shopping bag 

things to eat with wine shopping bag

7) Some fun balloons that are not XMAS themed or red, green and silver.

fun birthday balloons

8. ANYTHING FROM THE INAPPROPRIATE GIFT CO - We said our list would feature some great gift ideas from the Inappropriate Gift Co, plus some fun ones we found online, but honestly, even a Google Search of the Best Gift ideas for a December birthday, most of the gifts...certainly the best ones, are from The Inappropriate Gift Co! 

So, there you have it, some great gift ideas for someone sharing a birthday with the big fellow Santa, oh, and Jesus.

Don't forget your December Birthday Friends


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