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3 min read
Let’s be real, who actually sticks to boring resolutions like “eat healthier” or “go to the gym”? It’s 2025, and we’ve all earned the right to make resolutions that actually sound fun. Forget cutting carbs this year, it’s all about cutting loose.
Whether it’s cracking more jokes, hosting more parties, or surprising your friends with gifts that are fun with a side of inappropriate, we’ve got a list of resolutions that will keep you laughing all year long. Life’s too short for boring goals, so let’s make 2025 a damn good time!
1. Resolve to Make More People Laugh
We don’t know much, but we do know this: laughter is contagious—like chlamydia in a koala habitat. So, take every chance to make someone laugh out loud. Don’t let those hilarious comebacks rot in your head; let them fly and watch the chaos... we mean, the laughter, unfold.
2. Resolve to throw more parties
Any excuse works for us! They don't always have to be epic, a games night with your 3 best friends or a Christmas in July Dinner for your 3 favourite couple friends. Whatever the occasion, find a reason and blow up some balloons! It's time to party!
3. Become a master of inappropriate gifting
In 2025 become the overlord of funny gifting, the kind that shows people you know them inside out and love them anyway 🤣. Funny gifts don't always need to be pricey; it might be as simple as a funny wine label on an inexpensive bottle of wine or a bunch of rude balloons.
4. Resolve to not take life too seriously
Could there be a better resolution than giving zero fucks! Save the fucks for things that truly deserve them and don't sweat the small stuff. When it all starts to feel too much, sit down, take a deep breath, scroll through the Inappropriate Gift Co's Facebook, and have a laugh, it's the cheapest therapy around!
5. Pull off at least one epic prank that people will talk about for years
It's about to be January, which means you have 12 weeks to pull off an epic April fools day joke, get hoards of people involved and make it so hilarious that people will be in tears talking about it months later. One of our favourite ones that was executed so perfectly...
6. Be unapologetically extra for every holiday, even the random ones
Find the most obscure "Days" and celebrate them, talk with Italian accent on National Pizza Day. Make a signature gin cocktail on National Gin Day, and on February the 11th, throw some milk around and celebrate "Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk" day.
7. Practice giving compliments so specific they’re hilarious
With laughter the key to 2025, a great way to make people spit their water is to make a compliment that is so obscure it is hilarious, like "You’ve got the kind of energy that could power a small village on a rainy day", "You’re like the human version of a perfectly organized junk drawer" and "Your choice of socks today makes me believe you’re secretly a fashion oracle."
8. Create a “2025 bucket list” of silly things
Think of things that will end in laughs even if you can't execute like flipping a pancake in the pan, learning to juggle, starting a conga line, or making Max the Site Manager laugh.
Whatever shitstorm 2025 throws at you, be ready to take it on with a laugh. We might not be able to see what is about to hit, maybe a lotto win, or may be a cyclone (probably more likely of the two), one thing we can be sure about, is in the face of adversity nothing provides more strength than a wicked sense of humour. Get your 2025 mindset ready for the year that lies ahead by subscribing to our newsletterand following The Inappropriate Gift Co on social media!
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2 min read
While waiting for a cyclone to pass, it’s important to stay safe and prepared, but you can still make the time indoors more enjoyable. Here are some fun activities you can do while staying safe, Obviously they are all INAPPROPRIATE!
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From quirky and cozy gift ideas to hilarious gifts that’ll bring the laughs, we’ve rounded up the best autumn-inspired birthday gifts. Whether you're shopping for a friend, family member, or even treating yourself, these ideas are sure to bring some seasonal joy! 🎁
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If you’re scratching your head wondering how to dish out some well-deserved kudos this Employee Appreciation Day, you’re in the right place, here are some fun suggestions and top-tier gift ideas to say thanks to the team this March 7th!