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It's that time of year where we all get persuaded to enter the Secret Santa or Kris Kringle by the overly cheerful Sue in HR.  

We thought you might like to have some fun this year - Here are our top 12 inappropriate gifts for work colleagues. 

1) Why don't you buy Ron & Lynda in payroll a pair of these trendy leggings or swim shorts?


2) For the chocolate lover in the office... let them enjoy some new Cadbury/Rowntree brands. 

3)  Perfect gift next to the coffee machine in the kitchen 

4)   A gift for the CFO or Deb in accounts? 


5) A Magnet for HR and the Office Fridge? 

6) Some new pens?

7) A new mouse pad?

8) A card game to play as an icebreaker at the next training session?

9) A tea towel for the communal kitchen?

10) Are you fed up with all the bloody passwords you have to remember at work? it is not just a login anymore, we have LinkedIn, SnapChat, WhatsApp, Messenger, Microsoft, Apple, iCloud, MicrosoftTeams, Slack, WeChat,  Fuckoffidon'twanttobe accessedimmediately and lots of others.  

Here is the perfect gift for the oldies whose brain cells are a little bit damaged due to all the alcohol they have to consume in order to work with the young people. 

11) With open plan offices widespread now, we all need the sign below.  Place it just inside the entrance to where you sit. 


12 Last but not least - here is the gift you give "Cranky Maureen", we all have one of her in our office - she is usually on reception in payroll or the EA to the CEO

"In my day we didn't do things like this" Maureen, who has been with your company longer than anyone can remember.   No point sacking her as she will retire soon.  Happy Fucking Christmas Maureen.  


For ALL your inappropriate gifts - shop with us!  As a former HR Manager for 30 years can you imagine how much fun I am having now I can sell such gems?

If I was still in HR I would put some disclaimer about how my gifts are not intended to offend and I sincerely regret any offence that my beautiful customers may have endured.   BUT you know what?   You can all Fuck off Cunts !!  

Love you all - Love Lori X 


1 Response


December 11, 2019

I love this site! It just makes me laugh out loud every single time. Thank you so much Lori and I hope you are doing well.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020 xx

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