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Inappropriate Gift Ideas For Dad This Fathers Day

2 min read

Gift ideas for dad a fucking legend

Well fathers day is nearly here ( Sunday 5th September), Why not get him something inappropriate this year?    Here is our list of Inappropriate Gifts For Dad!     

No 1 - SOCKS.    Dads always gets socks for a gift.   Why not get him a pair he can wear with pride to the office?  Fuck Off Socks

Fuck Off Socks

Maybe it's time dad learnt some new swear words?  He would have a laugh with this game "How to fucking swear around the world"

How to swear around the world

We all know dad loves his dad jokes and loves spending ages having a poo... So here is a perfect gift for him.  Crap Jokes Toilet Paper 

 crap jokes toilet paper

You can't beat dad's meat.... (is it just me or does that sound a bit inappropriate?) We all know DAD's LOVE TO BBQ... so buy him a BBQ related gift? 

Dad's BBQ Apron 

dads apron


can't beat dads meat


Cook it yourself C.  U N T

Let dad have some fun branding your steaks with inappropriate messages? Check out this fun BBQ BRANDING IRON 

branding iron steaks inappropriate messages

Dad will probably want some hot sauce to go with his meat! 


shit the bed hot sauce

Give dad the most popular dad gift of all time - A mug! 

Fucker In Charge Of You Fuckers 

dad fucker in charge of you fuckers

Best Dad In The Whole Fucking World With Love From Your Favourite Child

Best Dad

The best Keep cup in the history of the world.. A Big Cup of Fuckoffee

Do you know a dad who loves to drink beer? 

 Dad, Husband, Fucking Legend Stubby Holder 

dad husband 

Fucking Legend Stubby Holder 

fucking legend stubby holder

Or maybe dad prefers to drink his beer from a chilled glass?

I Drink and I know Things Beer Stein 

I drink and I know things beer stein

Maybe dad could benefit with losing a few kilos?

Sarcastic Portion Control Plate / Inappropriate Diet Plate 

diet plate Portion Control

 Maybe dad needs a reminder of everything he still needs to do?


 DIY Notebook

Or a new pen for the office? 

Fuck Off I'm Busy Pen 

 Fuck off I'm Busy

These sprays have DAD written all over them

Inappropriate Room Sprays 

Dad sprays

Maybe dad needs a new game to play at the next BBQ with his inappropriate mates? 

Get On The Piss with Cooked Aussies Game

cooked Aussie

or an Inappropriate Trivia Game? 

Wish I didn't Know Trivia Game

inappropriate trivia

Maybe Dad is a keen gardener, why not gift him some unique "Profanity Plants"

profanity plants swear words seed beans

Or some cheeky gnomes?

nude gnomes  

Get F#cked Gnome 

get fucked gnome go away angry gnome

Perhaps dad would like a new sign for the man cave, car or front door?

Inappropriate Signs 

Inappropriate signs

Dad may need some help combatting our current pandemic? 

Covid T'shirts 

1.5 metres cunt

Don't fucking touch me wipes 

covid wipes

Dad's favourite new facemask.. 

Inappropriate COVID FACEMASKS 

inappropriate masks


Does Dad like to cook? 

50 Ways To Eat Cock Recipe Book 

50 ways to eat cock  recipe book christian hull

Penis Pasta 

penis pasta

Maybe Dad needs some new soap for the shower? 

Blow Job Soap 

Blow Job soap

Cocktail Soap 

cocktail soap

Arse Face Soap 

arse face soap

Arse Face Soap

Cum Face - The game of who has the  fastest hand job... we are sure dad will probably win this or maybe mum will? lol 

Cum Face Game 

cum face game 

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